I love a good Sci-Fi thriller. I have read some really good ones lately, which is why I feel that this one feel a little short for me.
I fell that there was a lot of unnecessary dialogue and explanations. The author spent from about 25% to 40% just on Kara talking about what she experienced. It took her forever to get to her doomsday point. Most of the book she is stuck in the med bay just freaking out. There is very little explanation going on and it is super drawn out with constant interruptions to the dialogue.
There isn’t a typical mildly happy ending, I found the ending rather anti climactic. I wish there would have been more to it. I feel that Sarah’s home issues never really get resolved and we are just left to wonder. There are several of the crew that have their own doomsday agendas.
The Sci-Fi concept was a little complicated and at times I felt that there was way to much description to just say something simple as there is a black hole, or there are several “god” like creatures that are waging war with each other.
Overall it was a good read, but didn’t wow me.